FlyQ EFB 3.0 Announcement and Demo TODAY

At 4pm Pacific today, we’ll be formally announcing FlyQ EFB 3.0 and demonstrating it.  As the version number may imply, this is no minor release; rather, it’s the largest update we’ve ever done and includes the single most requested feature, a new feature that doesn’t exist in any EFB app, and a feature you’re going to love (esp. student pilots and flight instructors).  And .. during the demo, all attendees will be given the magic decoder ring to get our Black Friday specials before anyone else so sign up now!


21 thoughts on “FlyQ EFB 3.0 Announcement and Demo TODAY

  1. Excellent presentation last night, Steve (….as always)
    Looking forward to see how you are going to vastly improve my abilities to perform as a CFI-I 🙂


  2. Missed the seminar but caught the replay. Soon my iPHONE the dabs device will give me functionality of $15 k or more avionics. Incredible. You guys are great.


  3. Unfortunately, I have a meeting conflict at seminar time. I will watch the rerun. However, I am interested in the magic decoder ring, based on yesterday’s hint.

    Sent from my iPhone



  4. Yesterday was great. Todays was bad! Support blamed the 900 viewers. You are a high tech company why blame the customer? Do the presentation, then put it on the internet! Today I told 5 people about your great improvements and now— somewhat embarrassing.


    • Yes today we had a technical problem where my iPhone couldn’t connect to my Mac. Never happened before. Nothing to do w/ # of people. The webinar from yesterday was recorded and available via a link. Suggest showing that to them. We’ll also be re-recording this one and posting it to YouTube.


      • No disrespect intended as I know you are hard at it, I hope we are notified when the presentation is available on You Tube.


  5. Will FlyQ EFB be supported on the iPad 2? That is my backup iPad and I wanted to know if I can still count on it when needed. I did have to use it when your subscription server went unavailable and my primary iPad’s subscription was killed when I fired up the app connected to the internet.


      • Not much longer – , means not for 3.0? I don’t have an iPhone and will not be getting one. Maybe a new iPad, …


      • Hi Dan. It will work for 3.0 but don’t expect much beyond that. It’s simply too much work to strip down features, test, tune,, and debug on the older iPads. Unfortunately, dev and test time is limited so spending time to get it to work on the older iPads directly impacts adding new features and fixing bugs that apply to the much larger group of folks using newer iPads. Sorry about that. On the plus side, the $329 “iPad” is a screamingly good performer at a great price. Black Friday at Apple?


  6. Hi Dan. V 3.0 supports the iPad 2. But it may be the last major rev that will and, even there, some features will have to be disabled. That’s really the point — it’s because time consuming for the dev team to optimize for it and it always comes at the expense of having the time to add other features or fix other bugs that apply to those people no longer using the iPad 2 (the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, to quote Mr. Spock).


  7. When is the new beta available mine is still not showing augmented reality or some of the other new bells and whistles. Saw the demo…… good work Steve et-all.

    Sent from my iPad



  8. Steve, I could not watch the webinar, but watched it on YouTube. I’ve been using WingX for several years; but, after watching the “FlyQ Online” video, I would like to get that for flight planning and then maybe (depending on cost) get the FlyQ EFB (even though that would require a new ‘learning process’) … However, I can not seem to be able to get to the “Black Friday” sale part of your website; what am I missing?
    Thank you


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