FlyQ 2.4 Released to Apple

After extensive beta testing, FlyQ EFB 2.4 has now been submitted to Apple for their review.  It will become available once Apple approves it.  This generally takes between two days and a week but with the release of iOS 10, Apple may be a little slower than usual.  We’ll definitely let you know when Apple releases it.

This is a MAJOR release that introduces rich support for Documents, adds Avidyne support, adds ADS-B support to the existing Dynon support, and fixes numerous issues.  Watch the What’s New video for details.


And yes, according to our preliminary testing, both FlyQ EFB 2.4 and the current FlyQ EFB 2.3.3 work fine with iOS 10.x.  That said, we’re still testing and, more importantly, we suggest waiting for the dust to settle a little before installing any major new iOS release as issues often crop up (generally nothing that affects FlyQ EFB but other misc. bugs)

– FlyQ EFB Team

10 thoughts on “FlyQ 2.4 Released to Apple

  1. Steve,

    I’m super excited about the 2.4 announcement, particularly because I have an Avidyne IFD540 in my Cessna. However, I noticed that in your video that you specifically said “Avidyne IFD550 and IFD450”, which are the latest and greatest in the IFD line. I am really, really hoping that the Wi-Fi interface between FlyQ and the IFD isn’t limited to just the 550/450 variety. I have been so looking forward to being able to load flight plans to IFD for a long time. Please tell me I will be able to with my previous generation IFD (once it’s updated to 10.2 of course).

    Sincerely, David Nyhus



    • Hi David,

      Yup, that was a typo in the video that we corrected in the final docs. The support is for what I think is all the IFD models — 440/540/550 definitely included. I’m not personally super-familiar w/ the Avidyne line so if there are other products in the IFD series, I’m not sure we’d support them.

      Thanks, Steve


  2. Steve,

    Thanks for the clarification!

    I was also confused by the reference to the IFD450. As far as I know, Avidyne has never offered an IFD450 product to date. I also believe the IFD550 is not available to any customers before software version 10.2 is officially released.

    Darren Tidler


    • Sorry about that, Darren. Glad we released the video before the app release itself. We just edited the video for the correction and will be republishing it before the Apple release to avoid other people getting confused.


    • You can’t wait? I’ve been looking at versions of this release for months!! As of this morning, it’s moved to what Apple calls “In Review” which hopefully means a green light very soon but you can never be sure. Crossing my fingers for release today!


  3. Flyq in an amazing product. I’ve been flying for 35 years and this product has changed my flying experience completely for the better. It’s a don’t leave home without it product and I’m proud to show it off to friends that haven’t made the leap to an EFB. This update is just another amazing improvement from your company. Thank you from an extremely satisfied customer.


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