FlyQ EFB 3.3 Released!

Although it was just 3 weeks ago that we released FlyQ EFB 3.2.1 with our exclusive Buddy List, we’re very pleased to announced that version 3.3 is now available.

V 3.2.1 was mostly about fixing a number of long standing issues in the app.  V 3.3 is mostly about substantially improving performance and massively increasing battery life (by at least 2x over previous releases!).  You’ll see this difference immediately and notice that your iPad or iPhone is not getting hot, as it once did.

But I said “mostly”….


V 3.3 also adds one of the most frequently requested features: animated radar.  And it’s lovely!  Take a look at a video (no audio) that we made during development.  To enable it,  just select Radar (Anim) from the Layers list (tap the “stack of paper” icon on the map).

We also fixed some bugs that were in 3.2.1, most notably a startup crash that some of you saw, especially when using iOS 12.  We also improved on the ADS-B target display we added in 3.2.1 by adding a switch to hide stationary targets (generally ground traffic)  and adding an option in Settings to disable the new “tap to see ADS-B target details” if you don’t find the feature useful.

Important note about iOS 12:  iOS 12 and 12.0.1 have a bug in one of the core Apple systems that causes a substantial memory leak.  For FlyQ EFB, this is most obvious when downloading lots of states in the ChartData Manager portion of the app.  Depending on how old your iPad/iPhone is, you may be able to download between 20% and 80% of country before the leak becomes bad enough to kill the app.  In the iOS 12.1 beta that we’ve been testing, Apple has fixed or dramatically reduced the bug.  We don’t have inside knowledge but the rumor mill suggest that iOS 12.1 will be released in a week or two.  We’ll keep you posted.

To upgrade to version 3.3 from an existing iPad or iPhone installation:

Go to the App Store icon on your iPad or iPhone and select the Updates tab.  Click the Update button next to FlyQ EFB.  Note:  If your device is set to automatically update apps, you may see an Open button rather than Update because the new version has already been installed.

Note:  If you don’t see version 3.3 available, please kill and restart the App Store or turn your device off then back on.

To download version 3.3 to a new iPad or iPhone:

Go to the App Store icon on your iPhone or iPad, select the Search tab, enter FlyQ EFB.

What’s New in 3.3

  • ADDED: Substantially improved performance
  • ADDED: Animated radar layer (Internet radar only)
  • ADDED: 2x better battery life and lower heat
  • ADDED: Switch to hide stationary (usually ground-based) ADS-B targets
  • ADDED: Switch to disable map tap to display detailed ADS-B target info
  • CHANGED: ADS-B target details says “Altitude” when it’s really Pressure Altitude
  • FIXED: Startup crash for some users
  • FIXED: iPhone: Redundant items in Settings
  • FIXED: ChartData Manager does not download new Setionals and IFR Low/High charts until the new cycle starts
  • FIXED: Turning Surface Winds on or off for a given airport does not stick for subsequent airports
  • FIXED: The ADS-B details popup does not exclude the target specified in “Tail number to ignore”
  • FIXED: ADS-B Connect/Disconnect banners still have too little contrast against some backgrounds
  • KNOWN ISSUE: Slow memory leak in the ChartData Manager when using iOS 12.0 and 12.0.1. Note: This is an Apple bug that they appear to have fixed for iOS 12.1.

21 thoughts on “FlyQ EFB 3.3 Released!

  1. The animated radar is great. I would like for the setting to “stick”. As is is now you have to go to layers and turn it back on each time.


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Steve, problem, I can update my state Ca. From red to green on my iPhone but not on my iPad. It stays red.? Any suggestions.ThanksDan

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad


    • Sorry about that, Dan. Please email Support. CA works just fine — I’ve downloaded it myself literally 50 times in the past month while testing the app. First thing to would be to check storage space and be sure you’re not low or out then, if not, remove and re-install the app.


  3. The animated radar is really amazing, thanks for adding that.

    I had the problem as Dan had. I deleted the bad data problem and started the download again, that solved it for me for three different states.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Last weekend my Sectional was fuzzy and unreadable. I tried restarting my computer, reloading my software and nothing would fix the problem….

    What could I have done differently?


    • Hi Bryan, Sorry for the problem. Make sure that you use the ChartData Manager portion of the app to download the state (and ideally, states around it) before you fly. If you like, send more details to the good folks at and be sure to specify which state or area you had a problem with as we always handle tech support one-on-one, not on a blog.


  5. I really like the newest version. My IPad 4 has mostly been unusable since version 3.0 was released. I flew today with the newest version and now my IPad 4 performs very well. And I was just about to upgrade my IPad to a newer model. Saved me a bunch of money! Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Steve,

    Awesome job. We love what you’re doing. I will begin upgrading the avionics for my 1959 Cessna Skylark 175. Beautiful plane I plan on keeping. I want to upgrade transponder, com radios and would like to know what you may suggest for compatibility with our system.

    Rick Torres VP Sales & Marketing American Modular Systems

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Rick! Much appreciated! Lots of systems work great w/ FlyQ EFB. Some of the more common ones are systems made by Appareo (the kit with the new Stratus 3i not the older 2i), FreeFlight Systems, and L3. If you were looking for a full panel upgrade, Avidyne and (not sure if it’s available for the 175) the new Dynon certified systems are great. Radios, per se, don’t generally connect to an iPad app.


  7. Steve,

    I live in central Texas and usually update Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Oklahoma charts. Lately I have not been able to update Oklahoma on my phone. It will download the OK VFR charts and then tell me that the download is complete. But Oklahoma is still RED. The other three are green. I’ve tried it multiple times to only get the same result. Any suggestions? Glad I don’t go to OK often. I don’t recall my iPad having the same problem.

    Dite Steinruck


  8. Version 3.3 was released in the Apple Store just in time for a cross country flight from Alabama to Wisconsin. The startup problems I had in 3.2.1 have been resolved. I did notice a little less battery usage. I did not have any overheating issues, and I have noticed that my Air 2 seems much more prone to overheating that the Air 1 was.

    Thanks for the good work!


    • Good! In our tests, on an iPad, the battery life is more than 2x better than the older releases during a stress-test where the app was running a very fast ADS-B data feed constantly (which takes a lot of battery power due to the radios being active the whole time) and the iPad was just slightly warmer than room temp. Specifically, 8.5 hours of running time vs 3.5-4.0 on the previous version.


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